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industrial pollutant中文是什么意思

用"industrial pollutant"造句"industrial pollutant"怎么读"industrial pollutant" in a sentence


  • 工业污染物


  • The discharge of industrial pollutants should meet both national and local standards by the end of
  • The total discharge of 12 industrial pollutants in china by the end of 2000 shall not exceed the total amount mandated by the central government
  • In the meantime , with the development of economics and industry , the pollution station of pure water becomes worse by the industrial pollutants
  • The improvement in water quality was dramatic . in particular , since fo tan is an industrial area , industrial pollutants such as heavy metals were significantly reduced
  • Major industrial pollutants climbed in the first nine months compared with the same period last year driven by fast economic growth and high emissions of sulfur dioxide , figures from the sepa show
  • Rising levels of dust and industrial pollutants from the surrounding city of agra , 130 miles ( 210km ) southeast of delhi , have stained some of its white marble surfaces yellow
    泰姬陵位于距新德里东南130英里( 210公里)的阿格拉市,由于阿格拉周边地区的粉尘和工业污染日益严重,泰姬陵白色大理石表面的一些地方开始发黄。
  • Environmental pollution exhaust from factory and vehicles , prolonged contact with chemicals such as asbestos can increase the chance of lung cancer . in addition , consumption of industrial pollutant . e . g
用"industrial pollutant"造句  
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